Solo Piano Anthology

Solo Piano Anthology

A set of intermediate solo piano pieces, targeted toward emerging pianists.

solo piano // 10:00 (total)

Names of pieces

Morning, Noon, and Night – 2002 (2 minutes)
New Beginnings – 2012 (5 minutes) 
New Beginnings – 2003 (3 minutes)

Premiere: March 2, 2012

Program note:
As a trained pianist pursuing degrees in composition, I spent my graduate school years teaching piano on the side.  During that time, I noticed that not a lot of contemporary repertoire was appropriate for my more advanced high school students, so I decided to write a few solo pieces that would fill the gap.  These works comprise a set of short solo piano pieces that resulted from that project.  The pieces are designed to be engaging and accessible to pianists who are not particularly accustomed to contemporary idioms.  Each piece in the set is a character piece that captures a sense of adventure or exploration.
