One Step at a Time (2021)



One Step at a Time

a round for SATB // 2:00

Text words spoken by Ruth Bader Ginsburg:  
Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time.

Premiere: May 22, 2021

Commissioned by Matthew Leese for the Keene State College Concert Choir

Program note:
Supreme  Court  Justice  Ruth  Bader  Ginsburg  was  the  definition  of  a  trailblazer.  Her  career  as a lawyer and judge spanned half a century, and she fought tirelessly for women’s rights from the start to her death in September 2020. Keene State’s very own Dr. Heather Gilligan composed a round for Concert Choir using Justice Ginsburg’s powerful words “Real change, enduring change, happens One Step At A Time,” and we are so incredibly proud to share it with you.  – written by Matthew Leese