I’m a Girl. What’s your superpower? (2019)
I’m a Girl. What’s your superpower?
soprano and piano // 3:10
Text by Lisa DeSiro
2nd place winner of the 2019 SONGSlam competition, NYC
Premiere: January 2019
Program Note:
In 2019, we entered an all-star team into the 2019 NYC SongSlam Festival, an audience-choice competition run by the organization Sparks and Wiry Cries. With soprano Stephanie Weiss, pianist Christina Wright-Ivanova, poet Lisa DeSiro, and composer Heather Gilligan, we realized that an all-female team should be celebrated – so we chose poetry by Lisa DeSiro that captured just that. The song is a celebration of the power and strength of women. It’s a great opening or encore for any vocal recital!
I’m a Girl. What’s your superpower?
said a familiar voice when I opened the front door a crack in answer to loud knocking. She stood there on the porch, arms akimbo, peering through the screen at me: Wonder Woman. My heart a-flutter, I stuttered Would you like to come in? We sat in the parlor. Over cookies & tea she explained her reason for canvassing the neighborhood: voter registration. Strike a blow to the patriarchy! she urged. The future is female! She was handing out souvenir wristbands. I accepted a pair, put them on. Before saying goodbye, she asked again about my superpower. I knew it, then: I’m a Girl, too.
I’m a Girl, What’s your superpower?
SongSlam Festival, NYC 2019